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Project Management Training Courses

Deliver superior projects.

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Courses in Project Management

A Project Manager’s success is measured by their ability to complete projects that meet the deadline, cost, and quality standards, and most importantly, that meet the expectations of their customers. In order to help them achieve this goal, we have a complete catalog of courses that teach a proven project management methodology and a new way of thinking and acting that allows students to anticipate problems and solve difficult situations.

Our project management training courses are aligned with the PMBOK® Guide and also incorporate the other best practices of agile and traditional project management outlined by PMI® and DSDM so that students are prepared to obtain the most recognized certifications in project management.

Core Project Management

Agile Project Management


Advanced Project Management

Third Party Certifications

Core Project Management

Advanced Project Management

Agile Project Management


Third Party Certifications

PMI-PBA, PMI-ACP, CAPM, PMP, and PMI are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.

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  • Formación a medida
  • Adaptación de contenidos propios a formación presencial y online

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