PMP® Project Management Professional Exam Prep Boot Camp


Our PMP® Project Management Professional Exam Prep Boot Camp course will effectively prepare students to earn the PMP® certification from Project Management Institute® (PMI®). The objective of the course is to provide the students with the knowledge, tips and tricks necessary to fully understand Project Management and pass the PMP certification exam. The prestige of PMI® and the rigor to obtain the PMP certification gives those who achieve it a competitive advantage and the ability to provide unique value to the organizations who employ them. In addition, being certified as a PMP demonstrates an understanding of the knowledge and practices detailed in the PMBOK® Guide.

PMI’s “2020 Project Management Professional (PMP) Examination Content Outline” explains that the reality of our profession as Project Managers has significantly changed since the exam was last updated. The work of today’s project management practitioners is done in a wide variety of project environments and requires the use of many different project’s approaches.

To face this reality, PMI has incorporated various management approaches into the PMP certification, all necessary and focused on delivering value. In their words, this change means that about half of the exam will represent a predictive project management approach and the other half will represent an agile or hybrid approach.

Thanks to our methodological approach to certification-oriented learning, which combines classroom training with practical exam preparation exercises, our students can prepare the certification exam with full guarantee of success.

By attending this course, students will be prepared to take the PMP certification exam.


At the end of this course students will be able to:

  • Identify and understand the life cycle of a project considering the three new domain areas:
    • PEOPLE – emphasizes the skills and activities associated with effectively leading a project team.
    • PROCESS – reinforces the technical aspects of managing a project.
    • BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT – highlights the connection between projects and organization strategy.
  • Clearly understand the main characteristics and advantages of the two approaches that correspond to the two blocks that are part of the exam content:
    • PREDICTIVE: approximately 50%
    • AGILE / HYBRID: approximately 50%
  • Understand the ethical and professional commitment of a PMP.
  • Put their knowledge into practice through exercises based on practical cases, and sample exam questions for each of the knowledge areas.
  • Evaluate the necessary effort that must be completed to obtain this certification.
  • Plan the steps that follow the course to achieve certification as PMP.

Student Profile

Project Managers, Department Directors, Production Managers, Team Leaders, Analysts with responsibility for projects and, in general, any person who is interested in knowing and understanding the project management best practices developed by the Project Management Institute (PMI) and the certification process to earn PMP.


There is no prerequisite to attend the course. However, PMI maintains minimum work requirements for those seeking to obtain the PMP certification.

Course Materials

Each student will receive a copy of the course documentation prepared by Netmind, a copy of the PMBOK® Guide, and Rita Mulcahy’s book, Preparation for the PMP Exam.


Engaging and interactive course. Our instructors teach all course materials using the demonstrative method; the participants learn new concepts through exercises and real application practices.

To help facilitate personal study, the course has been structured to follow the outline of the PMBOK® Guide.


Attending this course will prepare students to take the PMP certification exam. Get details on the PMP certification exam.

This course covers the 35 hours of project management training required by PMI. At the end of the course, the student will need to schedule their PMP certification exam to be taken at their convenience (this process is not facilitated through Netmind).


A certificate of attendance will be issued to students who attend the course for at least 75% of the duration.

Course Outline

  1. Create a High Performing Team
    1. Build a team
    2. Define team ground rules
    3. Negotiate project agreements
    4. Empower team members and stakeholders
    5. Train team members and stakeholders
    6. Engage and support virtual teams
    7. Build shared understanding about a project
  2. Starting the Project
    1. Determine appropriate project methodology/methods and practices
    2. Plan and manage scope
    3. Plan and manage budget and resources
    4. Plan and manage the schedule
    5. Plan and manage the quality of products and deliverables
    6. Integrate project planning activities
    7. Plan and manage procurement
    8. Establish project governance structure
    9. Plan and manage project/phase closure
  3. Work Performance
    1. Assess and manage risks
    2. Execute the project to deliver business value
    3. Manage communications
    4. Engage stakeholders
    5. Create project artifacts
    6. Manage project changes
    7. Manage project incidents
    8. Ensure knowledge transfer for the project continuity
  4. Keep the Team on Track
    1. Lead a team
    2. Support team performance
    3. Address and remove impediments, obstacles, and blockers
    4. Manage conflicts
    5. Collaborate with stakeholders
    6. Mentor relevant stakeholders
    7. Apply emotional intelligence to promote team performance
  5. Keep The Business In Mind
    1. Manage compliance requirements
    2. Evaluate and deliver project benefits and value
    3. Evaluate and address internal and external business environment changes
    4. Support organizational change
    5. Employ a continuous process improvement

PMI, PMBOK, PMP, CAPM, PMI-PBA, PMI-ACP, and the PMI Authorized Training Partner logo are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.

JJM 194 | JJM194 | JJM-194

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Detalles del curso


JJM 194


5 days

Modo de entrega

Virtual, Face-to-Face



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  • Sensibilización en la importancia de las e-Competences
  • Capacitación Técnica y en Gestión de la Tecnología
  • Formación a medida
  • Adaptación de contenidos propios a formación presencial y online

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