In a rapidly changing world, where reducing learning time has become the most crucial objective for organizations, we need to transform our learning frameworks.
We want professionals to acquire the necessary competencies to adapt to change and, through continuous learning, ensure that the challenge of this adaptation is met.
Our goal is to create a space to share experiences and knowledge; a “help desk” for organizations in their process of integrating learning into their culture; an open space where you can find guides to compare and contrast experiences; a platform to disseminate ideas and news in this dynamic and changing field.
Simultaneous translation
The language will not be an impediment. We will have simultaneous translation of the presentations so that you don't miss anything.
Remote Speakers
You will have the chance to watch international reference speakers providing the most exclusive content.
Virtual platform
You will be able to access all our content in streaming. We have a virtual platform from which you can access each of the live presentations, ask doubts or post comments in the chat, check the profiles of all the speakers and discuss or chat with the rest of the attendees.
La Nave, a unique space
The on-site event will occur at the Central Auditorium of la Nave, Madrid.
A meeting point for citizens, companies and professionals to respond to innovative challenges in the urban space of the Madrid City Council.
What content will you find?
Keynotes of international reference, face-to-face workshops to consolidate knowledge and talks that will allow you to learn how other organizations do it.
Access to recordings
The event will be recorded so that you can view the talks as many times as you want.
Who is it for?
Do you work as a learning manager, HR leader, talent development or learning experience consultant? In short, if you are looking to develop yourself or help others grow, you can't miss this event!
If you are a talent development manager, HR, learning… leader, coach, trainer or professional in the corporate world, you have experience in accompanying teams and organizations in the process of developing and helping people grow, and you are interested in sharing your knowledge, send us a proposal!
We want to know how you are doing it, what you have tried, whether it has worked for you, and what you have learned. We want to generate learning from sharing experiences! #alwayslearning
We will have exceptional speakers who will provide us with a modern and renewed view of the learning strategy in organizations.
La Nave is the urban innovation space of Madrid City Council. A meeting point for citizens, companies and innovative professionals.
Netmind Team | 3:30h - 3:50h
Netmind Team | 3:50h - 04:00h
Amanda Nolen & Lori Niles 04:00h - 05:00h
05:00h - 05:30h
WEFOX | Marta Padilla | 05:30h - 05:55h
9:50h - 10:00h
NETMIND | Sonsoles S., Macarena V. y Patricia P. | 05:55h - 06:15h
Alfred Maeso y Belén Oller
Netmind | 05:30h - 17:00h
Nick Van Dam
Nick Van Dam | 05:30h - 07:00h
AGILE CLASSSROOM | Fco. Javier Pecci | 06:40h - 07:00h
07:10h - 09:00h
CEPSA | María del Prado Córdoba Beldad | 09:00h - 09:20h
TELEFÓNICA | Susana Jurado | 09:20h - 09:40h
Miquel Rodriguez y Anabel Díaz
Netmind | 09:00h - 11:00h
Marinva | 09:00h - 11:00h
BBVA | David Hernantes | 09:40h - 10:00h
SANTANDER | To be confirmed | 10:00h - 10:20h
TO BE CONFIRMED | To be confirmed | 10:20h - 11:00h
11:00h - 11:30h
11:30h - 12:00h
Nick Van Dam | 12:00h - 13:00h
© Copyright 2023. Netmind. All rights reserved.
Hay muchas predicciones sobre el futuro del aprendizaje en el trabajo, pero ¿cómo ejecutamos la visión de forma realista? ¿Cómo nos preparamos para un mañana que no podemos predecir?
En esta sesión, Lori y Amanda hablaran de las tendencias en el aprendizaje y el desarrollo, sobre cómo comenzar y ofrecer una transformación EdTech que ofrezca un impacto empresarial.
En concreto, hablaremos de:
El cambio constante y acelerado en el que vivimos requiere que las empresas estén continuamente aprendiendo, y además aprendiendo rápidamente. Y cuando decimos empresas, me refiero a las personas.
En este taller abordaremos algunos mitos o creencias respecto a cómo aprendemos que debemos desafiar en este contexto. ¿Quién tiene la responsabilidad en el aprendizaje? ¿Cómo utilizamos el tiempo? ¿Qué estructuras o palancas podemos activar para facilitar este aprendizaje rápido y continuo?
Objetivos de aprendizaje:
Netmind España
Barcelona +34 933 041 720
Madrid +34 914 427 703
Nos puedes encontrar de:
Lunes – Viernes, 9:00-18:00 (GMT+1)
¡Te ayudamos!
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