Laura Pulido, experience and learning impact-EN

It’s Laura Pulido‘s (Linkedin) turn on the Netminder Interviews. Laura is part of the team in Barcelona. Currently, she is a training project manager in the LEX department, planning and executing the learning programs. She is also in charge of ensuring a good customer experience in all the processes organized by Netmind.

In addition, she works closely with the Netmind BIT Academy initiative.

Let’s get to know it a little better!


Welcome back! We hope you had a great holiday break. We are having a hard time getting back to reality. What about you? Tell us, how are you handling the return to routine?

Yes, a well-deserved vacation. I’m back with my energy refilled to face the year’s final months. Coming back in September is like starting a new year, so let’s go for it.

First, why did you get into Learning Experience (LEX) and what caught your attention in this world?

I am an educator, and I am passionate about education. I had experience in teaching and customer service, so developing my functions as LEX was a good fit for me.

What tools do you use to launch projects forward at Netmind?

Coordinating, managing, directing, guiding and accompanying is complex and sometimes challenging. Still, the first thing is to have the ability to be able to reach a global perspective of everything involved in a project.

This helicopter view, as I call it, allows us to connect with each department and procedure. The next step? Focus and lead.

Secondly, having an open mind to experiment and innovate keeps us active and curious until we become experts.

Sound familiar?

Netmind has BIT Academy, a social project. Can you tell us about it and explain what it is about?

As a collaborating center of the SOC (Servei d’Ocupació de Catalunya), BIT Academy carries out a social project through which we offer occupational training actions in the IT field.

Such as the Certificate of Development with Web technology. This program is complete, practical and has an official qualification, so it is interesting for those who want to work in the field of web programming.

These social projects are for social insertion, aren’t they?

The SEPE (State Employment Service) offers a wide range of training to promote labor insertion, and BIT Academy participates in these projects or programs. Among them, we can find different levels, categories and themes, as well as different purposes and

types of target groups. What these projects or programs have in common is to improve employability.

Thus, as a social part of Netmind, BIT Academy is part of this commitment to society.

How important do you think social programs are?

Allocating budgets for training in social projects or programs is necessary and should not be skimped on because the annual unemployment figures are alarming.

Entities such as BIT, which offer projects or training programs to promote labor insertion, contribute to society’s ability to expand its opportunities.

What kind of collaborations or agreements does BIT Academy make within these social programs that you mention?

We collaborate with Barcelona Digital Talent and PIMEC (Petita i Mitjana Empresa de Catalunya), promoting programs focused on digital talent to strengthen the professional skills of unemployed young people.

Also, some trainings include internships, so recruiting companies are an open door for students at the end of their learning process. Thanks to this type of agreement, some of the students get an employment contract.

And finally, what new project would you like to organize or lead in 2023?

At Netmind, tools allow us to add value to what we do, such as NextB. This blended, participatory, visual, playful and collaborative methodology is the key to any project. So, I would like to exploit it in a project.

In addition, I am open to any opportunity that comes my way because, in this world, you are always learning every day, which motivates me.

Quick Q&A: Laura Pulido

Funny image

Favorite motto:
Everything comes, and everything goes.

A song that inspires you:
Madre Tierra – Chayanne

An unconfessable oddity:
I like wearing brand-new socks. I can’t resist buying them. I have a pair in every color!

A famous person you would like to go for a drink with:
Hugo Silva.

Your biggest hobby:
Crafting – it’s something I love!

In which show would you like to act in?
MasterChef because I love cooking.

A place you would like to travel to:
Japan, I’ve always been very interested and passionate about its culture.

Confess, what is your biggest pet peeve?
I go after anyone who takes something out of a drawer or cupboard and leaves it open. I need it to be closed.

The phrase you repeat the most during the day:
I can’t help but do a checklist review at the end of the day. So, when I’m about to disconnect and get scared, I take a breath and ask myself: can you take care of it?
If the answer is NO, I tell myself, “Don’t worry“.


  • Sensibilización en la importancia de las e-Competences
  • Capacitación Técnica y en Gestión de la Tecnología
  • Formación a medida
  • Adaptación de contenidos propios a formación presencial y online


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Madrid +34 914 427 703

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