Adaptative Organizations Week

October 18-21st  2021

Rewatch the event

10:30-13:00h (GTM-4)



About #AOWeek

A virtual event to share experiences and reflect on how to help organizations adapt quickly and flexibly to a complex and rapidly changing world.


Available to stream

Register with the form and you will receive access to our free online platform. Keynotes, masterclasses, and talks await you every day


Autores de....

International Keynotes

We will have exceptional speakers who will give us a modern and renewed view of the adaptive process of organizations.


Innovative vision

Our selection of speakers will share the latest trends in strategic agility, organizational design, and adaptive culture.


Language will not be a problem

Language will not be a problem. We will have simultaneous English-Spanish translation, so you don't miss a single idea.


You can relive everything. Sign up and if you miss something you can access the recordings even if the event has concluded.

You can relive it all

Sign up and if you miss something you can access the recordings even if the event has concluded.


Ask your question

With the possibility that the speakers themselves will find solutions live and the learning does not stop.

4 Tracks

Strategy for complexity

Strategy for complexity means to change the strategy of our strategy.​ Strategic plans become obsolete before they are even officially launched. Complexity of today's world invites us to rethink the way we define and execute our strategy. ​ ​This track explores new ways of designing and executing organizations’ strategy.

Evolving Culture​

Cultural change is one of the biggest challenges when improving organizational performance. Culture can make or break your strategy. ​ ​ Evolve company’s culture into its greatest competitive advantage. If done correctly, the results will follow naturally.​ ​ This track will uncover how people shape culture and how evolving company’s culture can became one of its greatest competitive advantages.

Business Flow

An organization's adaptability depends largely on the speed at which value is delivered in a sustainable manner. Time to Market depends on Time to Learn.​ ​ This track will focus on the systemic view of the entire end-to-end business and how to adapt to changes by learning faster and continuously.

Organizational Design

In a world of exponential changes, we need to find a way to accelerate organizations’ adaptation. ​ ​ This track will help you discover different perspectives and tools for organizational design, identify systemic improvement opportunities, and adjust to new ways of working.

Meet the Keynotes

Authors, creators, and professional experts will show us what they learned and their experiences through inspirational talks with the themes below:

Beyond budgeting

B.Bognes will discover us what are the problems of traditional management, including budgeting, explaining the principles of Beyond Budgeting as well as the model carried out in the company Equinor “Ambition to Action” through its implementation experiences and advice to achieve a more self-regulating management model.


B. Robertson will develop the five concrete steps companies can take to adopt evolutionary management practices with Holacracy and the keys to conducting more useful meetings, creating a system that empowers teams and increases clarity and resilience of the organization.

Flight Levels

Klaus will explain why organizations should use Flight Levels and what companies are doing when using it across five activities and three levels, work system topologies and flight paths.

Team Topologies

Manuel País will explain to us how the patterns and principles of team topologies promote business agility through a rapid flow in software delivery, feedback on system execution, a commitment to flexible coupling and an awareness of socio-technical duplication.

Flight Levels

Klaus will explain why organizations should use Flight Levels and what companies are doing when using it across five activities and three levels, work system topologies and flight paths.

Team Topologies

Manuel País will explain to us how the patterns and principles of team topologies promote business agility through a rapid flow in software delivery, feedback on system execution, a commitment to flexible coupling and an awareness of socio-technical duplication.


Talks aimed at sharing experiences with a practical approach, where the speakers will give us the keys to obtain a greater degree of knowledge in the following subjects:

kanban univeristy

The preventable pandemic:
Stop the transformationitis and the reorganizationitis.

Joey Spooner & Todd Little

Chairman & Vice President of Community Development
and Product Management at Kanban University
Masterclass Kanban University
okrs logo

Creating space and meaningful connections with OKRs

Natalija Hellesoe

Organizational development Coach, OKR Expert,
co-author of “OKR´s at the center”
natalija hellesoe

Navigate the Future with the Business Agility Value Stream

Andrew Sales

 SPCT y SAFe Fellow de Framework

andrew sales

Making Work Visible: Leveraging Flow Metrics to Manage Capacity and Improve Time-to-Market

Dominica deGrandis

Author of “Making Work Visible” and Principal Flow Advisor at Tasktop

Dominica degrandis foto

Rewatch the event as many times as you want

4 Talks (Spanish)

Four thirty-minute talks led by the Netmind team where we will present examples, success stories, practices, and models to help organizations transform themselves into a fast and flexible adaptation to changes defined by complexity.

Event schedule

Discover what we have prepared for each day of the week: masterclasses, talks and keynotes so that learning is global. Don’t miss a thing!

With the colaboration

Evento patrocinado por APMG®

APMG (APM Group) International is the most reputable global accreditation and examination institute

APMG accredits organizations to deliver training courses and consultancy services for a broad range of professional certification schemes.

Our long history of accrediting organizations worldwide – combined with our rigorous assessment process means that APMG accredited organizations are recognized for their commitment to delivering exceptional service


  • Sensibilización en la importancia de las e-Competences
  • Capacitación Técnica y en Gestión de la Tecnología
  • Formación a medida
  • Adaptación de contenidos propios a formación presencial y online


Netmind España
Barcelona +34 933 041 720
Madrid +34 914 427 703

Nos puedes encontrar de:
Lunes – Viernes, 9:00-18:00 (GMT+1)

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