


What is DevOps?

DevOps is a cultural and organizational model that promotes collaboration between “Dev”elopment and “Op”erations teams to form high-performing IT teams that think as one to achieve business objectives. DevOps takes the best from the Lean and Agile mindsets to deliver value as soon as possible to the customer by removing the activities that don’t offer value.

Implementing DevOps entails cultural changes and a set of tools that will help to create the best product (CI/CD, testing, deployment, monitoring, i.e.). Its primary goal is to build teams around a product covering all the activities related with building, testing, deployment and maintenance delivering better software more frequently.

what is devops
According to the DevOps Institute, the values ​​of DevOps are summarized in five CALMS acronyms:
  • C for Culture: importance of collaboration, communication, learning, and continuous improvement.
  • A for Automation: CI/CD toolchains enable automation, speed, and fast recovery.
  • L for Lean IT: Maximizing customer value while minimizing waste and improving flow.
  • M for Measurement: Value-driven metrics improve performance.
  • S for Sharing: Leaders and teams share ideas and skills, improve communication, and collaboration.

Why is it important?

Building, testing, and deploying software can be complicated. Developers need to integrate components, Testers need to validate the quality of the new product version, and Operators need to manage the incidents and requests from the customer and/or users. Having a collaborative team to drive these work processes as a whole will help organizations deliver more value faster and efficiently.

In the disruptive world that organizations are confronted with today, the ability to respond quickly is essential and DevOps is essential to that response.

DevOps Courses

Get DevOps Certified

DevOps Institute works to promote the human elements of DevOps. It is a safe and interactive environment for its members to network, gain knowledge, grow their careers, find support for business transformations, and celebrate career achievements. DevOps Institute is not just a source of information; it was created to help its global community of members drive human transformation in the digital age. Netmind is a DevOps Institute Training partner and official training center. We are accredited to deliver their catalog of certification courses.



  • Sensibilización en la importancia de las e-Competences
  • Capacitación Técnica y en Gestión de la Tecnología
  • Formación a medida
  • Adaptación de contenidos propios a formación presencial y online


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