Leading Sustainability


The transition towards sustainable business models (seeking a balance between economic progress, respect for the environment, and the contribution to a more inclusive, equitable, and just society) is a great challenge for organizations in this complex context of climate change, energy crisis, and scarcity of supplies.

The purpose of this course is to provide attendees with a sense of urgency, knowledge, skills, and mechanisms to activate in their individual work, in their teams, or in their organization innovative sustainability initiatives that manage to drive a real transformation towards new, more sustainable, and regenerative business models. The agile mindset is the engine to drive change in complex and uncertain environments.


At the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • Have the arguments to justify the decision to start the path toward sustainability.
  • Understand what sustainability is and what is the approach to sustainability adapted to our organizational context.
  • Identify and activate stakeholder engagement and collaboration
  • Define a roadmap and implement the first steps towards a sustainable organization and business.

Student profile

This course is aimed at:

  • Senior management, C-Level, executives. decision-makers and leaders of companies that are starting their journey toward sustainability.
  • Managers and members of sustainability departments, teams, or committees.
  • Innovation or Transformation managers.
  • HR managers.
  • Managers and team members with sustainability concerns.


There are no specific requirements, other than a concern for driving sustainability strategies, and initiatives in your organization.

Course Materials

Each student will receive a copy of the Sustainability Leadership Documentation developed by Netmind.


Face-to-face, active and participative course. The teacher will introduce the contents using the demonstrative method, the participants will assimilate the knowledge through real application practices.


Continuous evaluation is based on the activities carried out in groups and/or individually. The trainer will provide feedback continuously/at the end of the activities/individually to each participant.

In the course, there will be an evaluation test that must be passed by 75%. There will be one hour to complete the test.

For attending this course, 8 Project Management Institute PDUs are awarded.


A certificate of Attendance will be issued only to students with an attendance of more than 75% and a Diploma of Achievement if they also pass the evaluation test.

Leading Sustainability Course Outline

1. Introduction to sustainability

  1. What is sustainability?
  2. Why and why now?
  3. Agenda 2030 and SDGs and Paris Agreements
  4. From the focus on profit to social and environmental impact
  5. Towards a circular economy
  6. Change, uncertainty, and complexity
  7. Organizational agility

2. Starting with the What for 

  1. New business models
  2. Alignment of strategy with sustainability objectives
  3. Vision
  4. Define “success
  5. Analyze impact
  6. Prepare for change
  7. Define a roadmap

3. Involve everyone 

  1. Analyze and activate stakeholder engagement
  2. Materiality analysis
  3. Cross-cutting sustainability
  4. Sense of urgency and alignment of purpose
  5. Establish responsibilities for sustainability
  6. From feedback to continuous conversation

4. Prioritization  

  1. From “We don’t have time” to “What do we spend our time on”.
  2. Focus on continuous and early delivery of value
  3. Prioritization approaches
  4. Iterative and incremental development
  5. Three workstreams for value delivery

5. Continuous learning 

  1. From “time to market” to “time to learn”.
  2. Developing sustainability competencies
  3. Lean Startup Cycle
  4. Empirical learning and experimentation
  5. Data-driven decisions
  6. Activating experiments

6. Driving innovation 

  1. SOI. Sustainability-driven innovation
  2. Seeking open innovation
  3. Structures and levers for innovation
  4. Top-down vs. bottom-up innovation


STB100 | STB-100 | STB-100

Clases a Medida

Public Classes

Currently, we don't have any public sessions of this course scheduled. Please let us know if you are interested in adding a session.

See Public Class Schedule

Course Details


STB 100


8 horas

Delivery Mode


Cursos Relacionados


  • Sensibilización en la importancia de las e-Competences
  • Capacitación Técnica y en Gestión de la Tecnología
  • Formación a medida
  • Adaptación de contenidos propios a formación presencial y online


Netmind España
Barcelona +34 933 041 720
Madrid +34 914 427 703

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Lunes – Viernes, 9:00-18:00 (GMT+1)

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