Get to Know a Netminder: Luka Bureo-EN

This month, we’re interviewing Luka Bureo. He joined the Netmind team in May 2018 as a Learning Transformation Mentor and went on to specialize in many areas, including Agile for HR (otherwise known as Agile People).

Get to know a little more about Luka!

You joined Netmind almost three years ago! What is it like to be part of #TeamNetmind?

Yes, time flies! I think the best description for what it’s like to be part of this team is “stimulating”. Ever since I joined, I haven’t stopped learning, absorbing, and listening. I think that’s what took up most of my first year.

At times it’s even frustrating, because from the beginning when you get involved with a group of people who know so much about so many diverse areas, you just want to be able to squeeze that opportunity to the fullest. It’ll all come!

As a Learning Transformation Mentor, what do you do?

Right now, I’m part of the team that’s assigned to the Tech University project at BBVA. It has been a project that has begun and matured enormously in a year.

Currently, I’m helping the global team to scale the training model we designed. It’s certainly a process, and we keep learning a lot along the way.

Why mentoring?

Because changes don’t impose themselves. We never walk into an organization with all the answers or even the tools. The result depends entirely on the system itself; we are only here to join in the process.

Over the years, apart from the field of innovation, you have specialized in neurolinguistic programming (NLP). Where does this passion for communication come from?

I still remember when it started! Quite a few years ago, I had a teacher who left a positive mark on my life – and some others who did not. It was at that time I remember thinking I would like to become one of those positive teachers. The first step with NLP was by pure chance and curiosity, and well – it’s already been 10 years.

Without a doubt, you have one of the most international portfolios of the team. Of all the cities that you’ve taught in, where would you like to go back and stay?

It’s difficult to choose! I think that out of sheer nostalgia I would stay in San Juan de Puerto Rico. And for its personal impact on me, I’d also have to say Orlando.

And as part of this interview, we can’t go without asking about your partner: how would you describe Juan Luis?

Without a doubt, he has a capacity for never making you feel out of place. I do not remember a moment when Juan Luis was not in a good mood, and he conveys that positivity not only when he is facilitating a session, but also in the shortest interactions. Anyone who knows him can tell that he knows a lot about Lean, Agile, Management, and much more, but it is that human side that makes him a world class professional and person.

He’s the type of person I was talking about in the first question – he has an incredible capacity for creating a very special work environment. I still have so much to learn from him!

IC AGILE – Agile for HR (Agile People)

We’ve been hearing about Agile for HR, Agile Talent, ICAgile, etc. For those who aren’t familiar with it yet, how would you define this movement?

I’ve heard a lot of talk ultimately about common sense lately. It’s true that, once on the table, what works always seems to be obvious. Agile for HR has that feature. The debate on the involvement of transformation in these types of areas already existed, and I think Agile for HR offers so much content that first amazes you, and then you think, “Oh, well, of course…”

Pia María, the creator of Agile for HR, recently held an exclusive course for the first time in Spain, and you were one of those privileged to attend. Tell us, how was that experience?

Yes! Privileged is the right word, first and foremost because of the opportunity to learn something that supports part of the keys of organizational transformation. It was amazing to have the opportunity to learn directly from Pia María, an important professional with so much experience behind her in helping change those departments that, until now, seemed forgotten even though they play a key role in transforming a company whether we like it or not.

Now that you’re part of Agile for HR, what are three key concepts you’re left with?

One of them is the capacity to demystify the shadows that surround Human Resource departments. During the training, we talked about this type of concept, why it arises, and how to generate a different kind of impact.

Another key concept that I think is super important is the discussion around HR’s new role within organizations. Many times, internal processes generate friction and subtract more value than they provide. That can be radically changed and Agile for HR helps you learn how.

Lastly, I was very moved by the change in the hiring process. In some situations, the candidates are the ones who suffer most when they encounter a process full of friction. This can also be changed.

For those who were unable to attend Pia Maria’s courses, Netmind offers the opportunity to get certified through ICAgile.

What can be discovered in this course?

In this course, you can discover everything from what Agile is and its more extended applications to how you can create a fair and transparent system of salaries and compensation. Whether your company is starting to change, halfway there, or you want to get ahead of what is inevitable, Agile for HR will bring you tools, methodologies, and concrete examples of how to make that small “transformation germ” reach all parts of your organization – and what you can do to be the driving force within your organization.

You’ll discover more generic points about the new HR role or how that translates into actions as small as a job description or hiring process. In my opinion, it is a very comprehensive training.

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