Let’s Play: An Approach to Organizational Structure-EN

Let’s Play: An Approach to Organizational Structure-EN


Transformation Sketch by Maria Anes, illustrated by Andy Baraja.

Let’s play! What attributes of authority do you see this picture? (This isn’t a trick question!)

There actually aren’t any visuals that traditionally represent authority. There’s no one telling others what to do and there aren’t others waiting for orders. These people don’t convey a feeling of being under pressure; they actually look like they are having fun… almost opposite of the emotions we typically associate with the organizational models we are most familiar.

So, it might be a surprise to hear that there is authority depicted here, but it is authority using the Holacracy Model. This model responds to complexity by placing specific focus on the purpose, roles, and responsibilities of employees, instead of their positions and it relates authority to a structure of Circles of people are formed based on roles (instead of titles) and around groups of functions.

The rules of the game in this image don’t look too dramatic, and they definitely seem more agile and flexible than if this sketch was of people working in more traditional models.

The Holacracy Model has the ability to transform everything, adapt any form of work, and understand the needs of the business. Remember, it only takes two people to start having fun.

Learn how one company’s, Eboca, HR Department implemented the Holacracy Model to transform their organization into a happier, more authentic place to work.

Holacracy is just one idea!

Our Agile for HR course teaches students how to adopt and adapt a transformation from a people perspective. (Bonus: Earn your ICP-AHR certification.)

¡Síguenos la pista!

Sobre el autor

Picture of Maria Anes

Maria Anes

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