Co-Creation Workshops

Co-Creation Workshops-en

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Knowledge is good. Application is better. Our co-creation workshops are designed to provide students with a custom, tangible solution that can be implemented immediately.

We utilize workshops as co-creation tools before training to design custom training courses and programs, after training to reinforce learning and develop an action plan, and as stand alone sessions to help address and overcome a specific challenge or gap that is holding you back. Our workshops apply design thinking, graphic facilitation, and gamification techniques to create learning experiences that drive participant creativity, participation, commitment, and consensus.

Workshops are conducted for situations in which a level of collaboration, commitment, and agreement between different participants is high.

Workshop Framework

While our workshops are designed to be flexible in nature, the following framework provides a guideline for how each session will flow. Workshop sessions will take place over the course of 4 hours to 2 days, depending on the topic selected. 

Content Introduction

Learning to level-set basic knowledge needed during the session.


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Current State Discussion

Identify the AS IS state and validate challenges to be addressed during the co-creation section.


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Co-Creation Workshop

Work through challenges with one of our experts to co-create a custom solution for your team.


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Action Plan

Determine, as a team, a plan for how the solution will be implemented.


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Duration for each section of the workshop will vary depending on topic and team needs.*

Workshop Menu

Workshops before training to design custom training courses and programs.

Pre-Training Learning Program Co-Creation

Visually design a custom learning program that is aligned with your organization's strategic business objectives utilizing our Learning Initiative Canvas.

Pre-Training Learning Program Co-Creation

Visually design a custom learning program that is aligned with your organization's strategic business objectives utilizing our Learning Initiative Canvas.

Pre-Training Custom Course Co-Creation

Visually design a custom course based on your specific team needs, preferences, and restrictions utilizing our Course Design Canvas.

Pre-Training Custom Course Co-Creation

Visually design a custom course based on your specific team needs, preferences, and restrictions utilizing our Course Design Canvas.

Workshops after training to reinforce learning and develop an action plan.

Post-Class Reinforcement and Action Plan Creation

Apply new knowledge by analyzing the current situation of your project, identifying improvement actions, creating a timeline, and assigning the action to the appropriate team member(s).

Post-Class Reinforcement and Action Plan Creation

Apply new knowledge by analyzing the current situation of your project, identifying improvement actions, creating a timeline, and assigning the action to the appropriate team member(s).

Stand alone sessions help teams overcome a specific challenge or gap that is holding them back. These are just some potential topics to address.

Workflow and Process Improvement

Fix broken processes, eliminate bottle-necks + dropped hand-offs, and streamline your business

Agile Project Inception

Set first iteration duration, start date, and ensure team alignment + readiness

Create Team Kanban Board

Visual workflow, set work in progress limits, and ‘stop starting + start finishing’ to improve the flow of value

Design Agile Ceremonies / Events

Customize planning, refinement, daily, review, and retrospective meetings (consider virtual environment)

Experience Design Thinking

Create lasting value for your customers by solving big, hairy, ambiguous problems

Team Self-Organization

Define and select team roles for optimal performance

Facilitate Team Decision Making

Design a decision-making process and leverage knowledge to make better team decisions

Challenge Team for Continuous Innovation

Leverage your team to harness suggestions and improvements from people at all levels: kaizen!

Spread Agile Across the Organization

Mentor and coach to inject the agile mindset and its frameworks into your organization

Create an Improvement Board

Leverage Agile Principles to build a Board that will champion and harness change for the good

Create a Community of Practice

Understand the goals and objectives of a COP and learn techniques to implement

Refine User Stories

Identify, write, split, and communicate user stories

Prioritize Backlog

Prioritize your backlog by taking into account business value delivery, technical debt, and dependencies

Design Appropriate Metrics

Build metrics that will help you deliver value and motivate teams towards continuous improvement

Create Information Radiators

Be transparent with information and communicate using ‘pull’ instead of ‘push’

Define the Definition of Ready and Definition of Done

Build definitions of ‘ready’ and ‘done’ so that the team knows what is expected of them and how to better deliver value

Design a Reward System

Motivate your teams by celebrating success and learning

Agile Team Building and Communication

Activities, games, and techniques to improve your agile teams’ communication and rapport

Build-Out Complex Business Rules

Use decision tables and other techniques to tackle big, complex business rules, regulations, and compliance activities

Construct a Solution Data Model

Elicit and visualize your business data so that your solutions better support the data and decisions that drive success

Customer / Employee Empathy Generation

Rethink the way you approach people, situations, and users

Scope Your Project

Build a shared vision of the project value and an effective starting point for developing excellent solutions

Root Cause Analysis

Dig into problems to discover the root cause and brainstorm possible solutions quickly

Write Better User Stories

Experience and learn to run a successful story-writing workshop

Get Started with Scrum

Learn Scrum basics and experience a quick scrum simulation

Transition to Servant Leadership

Lead by valuing diversity, cultivating trust, and developing others into great leaders

Utilize Gamification

Gamification for better performance, better learning, and more engagement


We can build a custom workshop to help work through any challenge​ you are facing

Delivery Tools

Our workshops are designed for interaction. If face-to-face is not an option, we utilize a suite of virtual tools to create an unmatched experience.

More Transformation Tools

Training activities and programs that go beyond responding to short-term needs and help realize transformation initiatives.

Apply new knowledge and become autonomous as soon as possible by promoting mindset changes, empowerment, and potential.


  • Sensibilización en la importancia de las e-Competences
  • Capacitación Técnica y en Gestión de la Tecnología
  • Formación a medida
  • Adaptación de contenidos propios a formación presencial y online


Netmind España
Barcelona +34 933 041 720
Madrid +34 914 427 703

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Lunes – Viernes, 9:00-18:00 (GMT+1)

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