Professional Coaching Program: Personal Experience-EN

Picture of Belen Oller

Belen Oller

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At Netmind, we are certified by the ICF (Institute Coaching Federation), the most prestigious institution in Professional Coaching, being a reference to train Agile Coaches and change agents in the discipline of Professional Coaching.

In this article, I will share with you how I lived the experience of participating in:

professional coaching program
ICF Logo

The first edition of the Agile Coaching Professional Training Program.

The first thing you need to know is that it is not a formative experience, it is a transformative experience.

Learning is always a good decision. We like it, it challenges us, it expands us. It invites us to change, to evolve and transform. Some people say that we came to this life to learn. However, learning mathematics is not the same as learning to lead. It is not the same to learn theoretically as it is to learn practically and on the job. Learning alone is not the same as learning in a group.

In the Professional Coaching Program you learn not only to be a professional Coach, but you learn from yourself, from others and through others.

In each session you enter a new world. Each class is a door to learn new distinctions, new tools and something of yours that you did not know and surprises you.

Throughout the process you see that you have more resources, more responsiveness, more inner security. Little by little, you see that there are no unique and static realities, but that you can always see things from another perspective and you gain a broader awareness, you realize the ability to create new realities thanks to a new way of listening, of asking questions and of simply being.

You see how, through personal transformation, you can influence and change realities that you see need to be changed, improved or at least addressed.

Professional Coaching Program

In the Professional Coaching Program, different disciplines within personal development – such as emotional intelligence and Neurolinguistic Programming – are addressed in depth, systemic thinking, systemic coaching and complexity are addressed, and you learn how to have productive coaching conversations that lead to action.

Furthermore, in this program, you learn in a group, through a high-impact learning experience, surrounded by professional people from different industries and backgrounds, but with the same concerns and desire to learn. In an environment of deep respect, trust and confidentiality, you share and learn from each other and put into practice new distinctions in a safe, secure, risk-free classroom environment.

But you are also invited to go out into the arena, to practice in a real, but careful, environment. During the duration of the program we have coaching conversations as coaching professionals, but where the other person knows that we are training and learning. There is a contract that is formalized with a signature and it is fulfilled. We take care of the other person, but also from Netmind we are taken care of.

professional coaching program
Transformation Sketch “The art of asking powerful questions” | Illustrated by Andy Baraja

We are coached through one-on-one mentoring conversations where we can talk specifically about our learning process, reflect on how we are doing in implementation and how we might improve.

Mentoring is another learning space, safe and confidential where the learning from the whole program converges and is maximized: from the training sessions, the practice conversations and, something you can’t know until you live it: the emotions and reactions we experience when we put on the Professional Coach hat. Mentoring is the space to share it, talk it out and anchor that learning for the next conversation.

Learning is a social act. We need others to learn. And here the others are guaranteed and are materialized in group partners, in a team of Netmind professionals who accompany the learning process of each student in a personalized way and of the people with whom we do the practice coaching conversations.

This program has a very important feature: nothing that happens during the training experience will leave you indifferent.

Either because you can stay for days reflecting on some topic, some phrase, something that happened in class, because you see that what happens to you also happens to others and you can share and use the collective intelligence to solve situations that concern you, but, above all, because you will see that you can apply what you learn during the program to your work immediately. The return on investment in this program is immediate.

Professional coaching competencies

The professional coaching skills that are trained during the program – such as presence, active listening, evoking awareness – allow you to face everyday situations in a different way, with a different perspective and a broader view of situations that until then you had always approached in the same way, repetitively, but without being aware that there were more options. Coaching will provide you with more resources that will make your professional and personal life more challenging, but rewarding.

You will see how the resources you acquire generate changes in your environment. You will gain in personal leadership and, therefore, you will be a better leader in your team (even if you do not have formal authority, we are always leading by example).

You will positively influence the people around you by being a full, respectful and genuine presence at every meeting or event you attend. You will see how you begin to ask powerful questions, which lead others to reflect and explore, and that thanks to those questions, the environment is transformed.

Whether you are thinking about how to improve your relationships and influence at work, how to improve your leadership and team accompaniment. If you feel you need to delve into personal development disciplines, do not hesitate to enroll in this program.

But you should know that after going through this program you will never be the same person or professional again. It is a transforming experience. Do you dare?

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A complete training to learn all the necessary skills to become an Agile Coach.
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Picture of Belen Oller

Belen Oller

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