Why an Agile Coach needs to be trained in Coaching

Agile: transformation is with Coaching or it is not

A change of mindset is expected from Agile projects, an evolution in the ways of working and relating that opens organizations to a culture based on adaptability, creativity and learning. The autonomy and self-organization of teams in an unpredictable future, which is evidenced by virtual protagonism, need to be built on relationships that encourage collaborative work to the maximum.

The Agile Manifesto rightly states that “projects are developed around motivated individuals“, we know that no one can motivate another, neither can an organization, but only create the conditions for it, it is then a strategic challenge of values, culture, in short of people who generate interactions that facilitate the desired motivation of the teams.

What is an Agile Coach and what are their competencies? | Illustrated by Andy Baraja

The Agile Coaching framework allows a more holistic approach, releasing with coaching the potential of creating highly stimulating environments through the shared experience of learning open to the richness of diversity. But the bad news is that coaching is not a tool, its benefits are not accessed “by doing” or with a backpack of tools but with a competency development that comes with time dedicated to training, practice and supervision.

According to the latest Agile Coaching Report issued by Scrum Alliance, ICAgile and Business Agility, 15% of Agile Coaches have professional coaching certification, compared to 71% with general Agile certification. It is therefore a trend in the sector and a positioning opportunity, to seek with the ICF seal of recognized prestige a rigor and a very differential value contribution.

Today it is already easy to access information about Agile methodologies, and at the same time it is insufficient. To advance in a transformation and know how to manage the resistance of teams to be changed, we must accept that there are no recipes or tips and propose in first person the development that we want in others. With the Netmind ICF Professional Coach training you will have access to knowledge in action, before tackling a project with your team you will be able to practice and be supervised in a safe learning environment.

To conclude with an invitation to reflection that summarizes the program of these certifications, we will quote Dilts with whom we will learn a lot about our beliefs and their management in the processes of change: “There is no true or correct map of the world, the most effective people are those whose map of the world allows them to perceive the greatest possible number of possibilities and perspectives“.

Netmind ICF Professional Coach Training

Professional Agile Coach – ICF Accredited Level 1
Professional Executive Coach – ICF Accredited Level 2

With the maximum flexibility of modalities, in hybrid format, in intensive, in several courses, in weekends…, a wide calendar of alternatives will facilitate to the maximum the access to this learning. In addition, these courses will add up to a triple certification: Netmind Professional Coach, ICF Coach, Agile Team Coach (ICAgile) and will facilitate obtaining the Agile Team Facilitator (ATF) seal.

Sobre el autor

Picture of cristina_miaja



  • Sensibilización en la importancia de las e-Competences
  • Capacitación Técnica y en Gestión de la Tecnología
  • Formación a medida
  • Adaptación de contenidos propios a formación presencial y online


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