Get to Know a Netminder: Ali Cox-EN

This month, we interviewed our incredibly talented instructor, Ali Cox. Ali does way more than just deliver training courses for us, though. She truly is an expert in her field, and she constantly shares her expertise through coaching, mentoring, articles, webinars, talks, and day-to-day conversations with our team and with our clients. Join us in getting to know Ali better!

Your titles is Business Analysis & Agile Lead Expert, but what do you actually do? 

My favorite part of my work is collaborating with all the great people at Netmind. I collaborate on lots of products – mostly course curriculum and materials, but I also help out with our awesome marketing director on ‘stuff’ like blogs, conference or chapter speaking engagements, webinars, etc. I collaborate heavily with our great sales team on sales calls, helping our clients understand what problems they are trying to solve and how we can help them with solutions.

I absolutely love my main work which is coaching, teaching, and mentoring around business analysis, agility, leadership, and other topics. I love it when I see that lightbulb light up when people ‘get it’. I love when I hear that our training has helped someone or an organization.

If you were a hashtag, what would it be?

I think it would be our Netmind hashtag, #AlwaysLearning. I learn so much from my co-workers, my coaches and mentees, and my students.

Based on your experience, what 5 tips would you have for someone wanting to enter the world of agile organizations?

  1. Be Patient
  2. Empathy for Others
  3. Critical Thinking
  4. Collaborate
  5. Continuous Improvement

What is the best piece of advice you have ever received? 

Find peace. 

What is your favorite part of being on the Netmind team?

The awesome people and their willingness to help out with anything (and seemingly at any hour!).

What certification are you most proud of or excited to get? 

LEGO® Serious Play® Facilitator. I feel the LEGO® Serious Play® Method is a great process for digging into people, empathizing with them, and discovering their real needs and wants. I really think it changed my life, so much so that I wrote an article about it!

Netminder Fact Board: Ali Edition

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Picture of Kiki Alliston

Kiki Alliston


  • Sensibilización en la importancia de las e-Competences
  • Capacitación Técnica y en Gestión de la Tecnología
  • Formación a medida
  • Adaptación de contenidos propios a formación presencial y online


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