Noelia Pamplona: art, design and motion graphics-EN

This time we interviewed Noelia Pamplona (LinkedIn).

Noelia is part of the Madrid team. She is currently working on the Santander account in the Learning Experience and E-Learnings team. She also helps create motion graphics and animations for them.

Let’s get to know her a little better!

First of all, you have a career of about ten years as a graphic designer, and five years ago, you started working in the world of animation as a motion graphic designer. What is design for you, and what do you love about it?

It is a vocation in which solutions we give solutions to the client’s needs. These needs could vary from a visual image, an animated video telling a story through graphics and music, a text composition or designing a product to sell.

What I love about this world is that it is vast and changes so fast that you never stop learning. Maybe I would need another life to discover many other exciting roles.

As you know, Netmind has a defined and differentiated visual style within the B2B market. How would you describe it?

Our graphic style conveys who we are and how we work. It reflects the company’s personality for clients and future Netminders.

I would define it as a fresh and dynamic visual style very much in keeping up with the times we are living in.

In the consulting sector, branding is usually left forgotten during the sales process. To what extent are aesthetics essential during the purchase decision, and how do they influence the brand?

This mentality is changing a lot. There is more and more competition, and the market is more demanding, so you have to differentiate yourself from the rest, and the visual part plays a fundamental role here.

If you provide the client with an example of your work, even fictitious examples, of what the final result (MVP) could look like, you will already have 50% of the sale.

You have been with us for more than four years now. Congratulations! If you could choose a couple of moments within the company, what would they be and why?

My first Summer Day was in June 2018, and I thought doing these things in a company was great.

And my other sacred moment was being able to participate on several occasions as a customer in the Tapas Kanban of a BBVA Bootcamp.

Within the training experiences we design for our clients, different e-Learnings are carried out. Could you explain what added value this type of learning has compared to conventional courses?

Innovation, flexibility and creating a learning experience adapted to the needs of each client, allowing students to practice a lot of knowledge.

If you had to keep four design tools to survive in your day-to-day, which tools would you choose and why?

The first tool is my mind, the second is my computer, the third is the Adobe package, and the fourth is Storyline.

Without a healthy mind, creativity doesn’t flow, without your equipment, you cannot develop it, and without the programs, you cannot build it and bring it to life.

How is the process of creating Ad-HOC e-learnings? Which stages are crucial during the design process?

The most crucial stage would be to define the graphic style. It will be the step that marks the visual line of all the e-learning courses.

Another critical point is that we design each activity from the user’s point of view. It’s not about creating beautiful things but also functional ones.

Of all the characters you have designed and brought to life, which have been the most special for you?

There is no doubt in my mind that they have been Julia and our Scrum Master.
Julia was the character and main character of a course.

I created the character, and a colleague did several postures, and when we finished the course, we got to empathize so much with her that we even commented on how much we liked Julia. The same thing happened to me with the character of our Scrum Master.

It is a satisfaction that a drawing you have made transmits emotions as a real person would.

We know you recently got married; if you could marry a fictional character, which one would you marry and why?

With “The Little Prince”. Not for the character itself, but for the experience and learning that comes along with it.

Before and after marriage, I still call my partner my life and travel companion.

Quick Q&A: Noelia Pamplona

Funny image

Favorite motto:
Go with the flow!

A song that inspires you:
 A ton of love – Editors

An unconfessable oddity:
For months now, I haven’t been able to resist testing children’s shoes to see if they are flexible enough for my little one, Leo. I love following the instructions of Neus, a great children’s podiatrist – we have to take care of those little feet!

A famous person you would like to go for a drink with:
I’ve always really liked Tim Burton’s movies, so maybe it would be entertaining to have a drink with him, and then, if we liked each other, I could participate in the next film.

Your biggest hobby:
Any route, whether it’s taking the car, bike, backpack, sneakers, or a plane. As simple as getting out and discovering simple or hugely mind-blowing places or things.
Another hobby is to find a little time for myself and practice Self Reiki. A few years ago, I was initiated in Reiki. It was an excellent course, about eight months long!

In which show would you like to perform?
Alice in Wonderland.

A place you would like to travel to:
So many, the world is so big! I just came from a beautiful island.

In August we are going to a tiny house near the French Pyrenees, we want some fresh air. And soon, I have in mind to visit the Uyuni salt flat and a route through the Amazonas, but there is still a long way to go, so go with the flow!

Confess, what is your biggest pet peeve?
Sometimes I walk around the house with the lights off and try to remember the corners, doors, etc. At my parents’ house I do it with the stairs, almost nothing! If things get complicated, I wonder what I’m doing, but deep down, I love it.

The phrase you repeat the most during the day:
Once I read about questions you should as yourself in your day-to-day, the truth is that they have helped me a lot to connect with my present: am I where I want to be? Do I invest my time in what makes me happy? Am I with the person I want to be with?

Sobre el autor

Picture of Yaiza López

Yaiza López


  • Sensibilización en la importancia de las e-Competences
  • Capacitación Técnica y en Gestión de la Tecnología
  • Formación a medida
  • Adaptación de contenidos propios a formación presencial y online


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