The journey to eCompetences-EN

Chapter 1:

The Evolution of Technology Competencies – Part 1

While the debate was raging over whether we were in the last year of the 20th century or the first year of the 21st century, the space dedicated to technology in conversations and on the news was mainly about the good stock market performance of the ‘.com’ companies. We still didn’t have an iPhone (2007), Facebook (2003) or even an iPod (2001). Although, if you had left Altavista (1995), at least you could already search Google (1998) for information related to this bubble.

Technology at the user level was dominated by the existing use of cell phones with the ability to call and send messages and by the Internet connection in our homes with the innovative ADSL. In business, the dreaded “2000 effect” had just been overcome (with a few scares and thanks to a huge expense, it must be said), despite the fact that for some people it was still a reason to cry out for “disinformationization”.

The journey to eCompetences | Illustrated by Andy Baraja

At that time, although network communication between companies, and between individuals and companies, was still far from being at its best, the computerization of internal processes, operations and information management was already a fact. So a ‘global’ problem could affect the safety of a nuclear power plant as much as bank account balances.

By the year 2000, companies were computerized and ready for the society of the new millennium to embark on the Digital Transformation. Something that could not have been more appealing: we all wanted to have new devices, use new services and invest in new technology companies.

Chapter 1:

The Evolution of Technology Competencies – Part 2

And who was making this possible? Who was driving this transformation?

To work in the IT department of a large company (a bank, an electric company…) meant being a pioneer. Craftsmanship was everywhere. It was a job for insiders only. And there were many young people (very young, they even ‘took you out’ to work before finishing the degree) and very specialized. Not only in the technology itself, but in the companies’ systems map itself, which had been built with that craftsmanship and only a few, very few, could understand it as a whole.

This talent was managed by the corporate structures of the company but, without a doubt, they were not prepared to understand and embrace this phenomenon. In the end, the “IT people” were in a basement (literally) and their habitat was somewhat on the fringes of the rest of the company. A city without law, or with its own law.

The journey to eCompetences | Illustrated by Andy Baraja

Gradually, there were requirements for IT specialists to have soft skills, and all employees were required to have at least user-level computer skills. Standardization began in 2000. It is no coincidence that ITIL v2 and SFIA were published in the same year. These two frameworks de facto ‘created’ IT processes and professions. And there was already a common basis that any company could adopt (adapting it in its own way) to define what should be done in the IT area, who should do it and what competencies they should have. A milestone that has endured over time with the evolution of these frameworks, which have been updated, and the arrival of others such as Agile, DevOps, European Competence Framework (e-CF), COBIT, etc.

And, as systems integration, virtualization and cloud brought corporate IT closer to commoditization, society began to embrace technology. First, we used work computers, but then we wanted to bring our own devices into the office.

The CIO (Chief Information Officer) gradually moved his chair closer to the management table. To the point that less than 20 years later, in 2018, Francisco González, CEO of BBVA, stated at the Davos Forum, “I don’t see BBVA as a bank, I see BBVA as a digital company that owns information, and that information can be converted into a mortgage or into different services.” In subsequent interviews and articles, the headline “We are a software company” became popular.

Chapter 2:

Development of Soft Competencies in IT Professionals

The technology revolution of the last few decades has redefined not only what IT professionals do, but also how they do it. In the past, the focus may have been only on hardware operation and software development. Today, it is essential for IT professionals to acquire soft skills to thrive in an ever-changing business environment. Effective communication, interdisciplinary collaboration and understanding of key business aspects are now as important as deep technical expertise. This evolution reflects the growing interconnection between technology and business objectives.

The journey to eCompetences | Illustrated by Andy Baraja

Chapter 3:

Expansion of Technical Knowledge

Furthermore, technology has advanced at a dizzying pace, and the range of technical skills required for IT professionals has expanded considerably. It is no longer enough to be limited to that conventional hardware and software. Today, tech experts must be aware of emerging fields, such as artificial intelligence, quantum computing, infrastructure-as-code, blockchain technology and virtual reality. This knowledge is essential to keep up with technology trends and to help organizations adopt innovative solutions.

The journey to eCompetences | Illustrated by Andy Baraja

Chapter 4:

Competencies in Key Manufacturers’ Solutions

We have continued to make significant progress in the commoditization of technology, and with the emergence of giants in the technology marketplace, the need for IT professionals to be proficient in specific solutions from key vendors has been driven by the need for IT professionals to be proficient in specific solutions from key manufacturers. Companies such as SAP, Amazon, Salesforce, Microsoft and other industry leaders offer comprehensive technology solutions that are critical to a wide variety of industries. To take full advantage of these solutions and ensure interoperability, IT professionals must acquire a thorough understanding of these technologies and best practices for their implementation.

The journey to eCompetences | Illustrated by Andy Baraja

Chapter 5:

Constant Training and Evolution

Since technology and technology skills are constantly evolving, companies are faced with the challenge of keeping their staff up to date with the latest trends and developments. Training technology talent increasingly requires the assistance of training and development specialists. Training programs must be adaptable and multifaceted, addressing not only technical aspects but also soft skills and business knowledge. Keeping up with technology and business trends is crucial for competitiveness in today’s marketplace, and companies must invest in the training and development of their staff to ensure they are prepared for the challenges of the ever-evolving digital world.

The journey to eCompetences | Illustrated by Andy Baraja

As a result of all this, your company’s eCompetences strategy becomes a key decision; it is a competitive advantage that you have to develop. Not only in the IT area, but for the company as a whole, having an alignment between talent and technology, and a professional development plan in that sense, can be what allows you to stay on the right course and towards the port of success.

Sobre el autor

Picture of Iván Martín Bermejo

Iván Martín Bermejo


  • Sensibilización en la importancia de las e-Competences
  • Capacitación Técnica y en Gestión de la Tecnología
  • Formación a medida
  • Adaptación de contenidos propios a formación presencial y online


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