Transformation Solutions

Innovative solutions that combine training, support and consulting to drive People‑Based Transformations. 

How We Do It

We are passionate about training, active listening, and talent development. Our transformation solutions were designed to focus our efforts on learning actions that support three principles: a focus on people, activating internal leadership, and co-creation.

  • Focus on People. Your people are the ones who truly activate change, and for this they need to feel supported and empowered. There is not a single change; there are as many changes as there are people in an organization. (This is what we call People‑Based Transformations.)
  • Activate Internal Leadership. Only the people inside the organization should make decisions about how to face the change, not external consultants.
  • Co-creation. We contribute our knowledge and experience; you define the vision, objectives, and requirements of how to do it in your organization.

We believe that all training initiatives should be a strategic response to the challenges you are facing. We use our frameworks,  NextB® Learning and NextB® Change, to evaluate, analyze, and get involved in order to make the best recommendation of our business agility services to satisfy your needs.

Transformation Tools

We utilize these basic building blocks to effectively transfer knowledge, enhance your learning experience, and prepare your people to excel. 

Immersive Trainings

High impact training activities and programs that go beyond responding to short-term needs to help organizations develop their talent and realize their improvement and transformation initiatives. To achieve this, we use our NextB Learning framework.

Co-Creation Workshops

Collaborative workshops to identify, define, create, and/or plan solutions and improvement actions. We utilize design thinking, graphic facilitation, and gamification techniques to drive creativity, participation, commitment, and consensus.

Mentoring + Coaching

Expert support to help apply new knowledge and guide teams in their process of improvement and transformation. We aim to promote teams’ autonomy and expedite the achievement of expected results as soon as possible.

Transformation Takeout

We aren't sure how much longer the uncertainty we face will last, but we do know that people, teams, and organizations must find a way to move forward. To help you address and overcome a specific challenge that you are facing, we designed a workshop solution that we are calling Transformation Takeout. Just like the restaurant industry shifted from dine-in to takeout, these workshops allow students to walk away with a custom, tangible outcome that can be implemented immediately.

Transformation Solutions

We combine training, co-creation workshops, and mentoring and coaching to create solutions that meet the specific needs of your organization or team and maximize their impact.

Course Based Improvement

We combine the above transformation tools at the team level by streamlining application of the new knowledge directly in their day-to-day life. Course Based Improvement is a complete solution that will improve work models and accelerate team transformation.

Enterprise Transformation

Transformation initiatives and change programs co-created and led by your own teams. Using our NextB Change framework, we will help you promote powerful cultural, organizational, and job model changes, always focusing on people (People‑Based Transformations).

Transformation University

Train to transform. Combine profile development, program design, and learning material creation to establish learning paths. Based on the model proposed in NextB Learning, we will help you promote a new learning culture that drives transformation.

Participatory, visual, playful, and collaborative training.

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  • Sensibilización en la importancia de las e-Competences
  • Capacitación Técnica y en Gestión de la Tecnología
  • Formación a medida
  • Adaptación de contenidos propios a formación presencial y online


Netmind España
Barcelona +34 933 041 720
Madrid +34 914 427 703

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