Mentoring Relationship Templates-EN

Mentoring Relationship Templates-EN

With the growing need for self-sustaining and cross-functional teams, it is important to take advantage of your existing talent. One way to achieve this goal is by establishing a mentoring program or encouraging mentor/mentee relationships within your teams or organization. Mentoring is a relationship of trust between two individuals and can yield powerful results. For the mentee, a mentor provides the knowledge and guidance to strengthen competencies needed to enhance their skill set, job performance, and career progression. In return, the mentor can gain the opportunity to help shape the future of the role, practice new ideas, gain a fresh perspective, and practice their leadership skills.

Our Mentoring Relationship Template Package includes:

  • Mentoring Performance Template: Set expectations between the mentor, mentee and manager to be sure the mentoring sessions are focused on achieving the mentee’s goals.
  • Mentoring Brief Template: As a mentee, use this to track the focus for each mentoring session and your mentors’ feedback and advice.
  • Mentor/Mentee Dos and Don’ts Bonus: use this list of dos and don’ts as a quick reference to set the stage for your mentoring relationship
mentoring relationship template

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Mentoring Relationship

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Mentoring Relationship


  • Sensibilización en la importancia de las e-Competences
  • Capacitación Técnica y en Gestión de la Tecnología
  • Formación a medida
  • Adaptación de contenidos propios a formación presencial y online


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